Suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, and being aware of this, the Czech police have spent the last decade deliberately and sadistically gaslighting me, by pointing me out to not only dozens of security guards, but shop and restaurant staff. Not simply pointing me out, but inciting them to mock me ‘for not liking to be looked at’, while it’s denied that any of this is taking place, in the knowledge of the acute mental suffering that this will cause me.
I made a complaint to the ‘Public Defender’, which is supposed to be the Czech human rights ombudsman for human rights abuses against the disabled and foreigners (I am both). I eventually recieved a terse reply telling me that I had to write to the chief of the Czech police (Jan Švejdar) and beg him to stop.
The United Nations itself has criticized the Czech Public Defender as being not fit for the purpose it was intended for – ensuring that the Czech Republic, like other post-medieval societies, upholds the basic prohibition against torture (namely, the UN Convention Against Torture, which explicitly prohibits psychological torture, and which the Czech Republic has ratified).
Regrettably, the Czech Republic is one of the last states in Europe which has not yet established the proper national human rights institution. This deficiency has been criticized already for years form various international actors (the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Member States of the United Nations during the Universal Periodic Review, the UN Human Rights Council etc.).